NO HIDDEN FEES At American Auto Title Loan, we simply DO NOT charge any hidden fees. Yes, we do charge interest for our lending services but that's it! We fully disclose your interest rate and finances charges at the time of your loan. Pay your loan off early and pay NO pre-payment penalties. Keep your loan for 1 week, pay one week of interest. Keep your loan for 1 month, pay one month of interest. Keep your loan for 1 year, pay one year of interest. It's that simple! Pay your title loan off at any time and only pay interest for the time you keep the loan.
Apply Now NO HIDDEN FEESA LENDER YOU CAN TRUST We are a fully licensed lender and operate in accordance with all State and Federal laws. It's your money. Beware of unlicensed lenders or fly by night online lenders that are based out of some foreign country you can't even pronounce. Our title loan specialists are highly trained and operate in accordance with all laws and regulations. Don't trust your vehicle, title, and finances to illegitimate companies.
Apply Now A LENDER YOU CAN TRUSTBORROW MORE. PAY BACK LESS. We offer you the most for your title and the most flexible repayment options around. We work with each client individually to determine a loan amount and a monthly payment that fits your budget. Our title loans have repayment plans that range from 1 month to 24 months to help ensure a monthly payment that fits even the tightest budget.
Apply Now BORROW MORE. PAY BACK LESS.NO CREDIT CHECK When you obtain a car title loan from American Auto Title Loan your past is not an issue. Since we use your vehicle and title as your credit, there's no need to even check your credit! Bad credit? No credit? No problem! We're concerned about the future, not the past. Enjoy the benefits of getting the cash you need without the stress and judgement of a lengthy credit check process.
Apply Now NO CREDIT CHECKINSTANT DECISION Ever applied for a loan with a bank? Tired of being forced to do 7 cartwheels, 2 backflips, and provide a blood sample just to be told NO? We know you have a busy schedule with work, kids, and life. Our application process is simple and easy so you can have a decision in a timely manner. Once approved, you can have the cash you need in hand in as little as one hour!